Corporate governance

The goal of corporate governance is responsible management and control of companies geared to sustainable value creation. An essential prerequisite for this is a close and efficient cooperation between management and the Board of Directors, the respect for shareholder interests as well as open and transparent corporate communication. The SIX Corporate Governance Directive gives guidelines for the management and supervision of listed companies in Switzerland. You can see the current version here:
The RLCG requires issuers to publish (or substantiate substantively why certain information is not published) the information about the governance and control at the top corporate level of their business, the principle of "comply or explain"). The individual disclosures, which are to be published in a separate Corporate Governance chapter in the Annual Report, are listed in the Appendix to the DCG.
ASMALLWORLD AG attaches great importance to corporate governance and is committed to transparent, responsible management and control of the company. The respective information is available as a PDF download under Downloads, Annual Reports.

Directors' dealings

Under Article 56 of the Listing Rules and the SIX Directive on Disclosure of Management Transactions (RLMT), persons performing management functions in listed companies and their closely related persons must immediately disclose their own transactions in company shares. ASMALLWORLD AG must ensure that these communications are immediately made available to the public.